fresh screenshots monthly
99.99% Uptime SLA
Custom error images
Unlimited impressions
from cache
Unlimited traffic
Full-length captures
Basic support
9EUR / month
2 500
fresh screenshots monthly
0.004 EUR per additional screenshot
99.99 % Uptime SLACustom error images
Unlimited impressions
from cache
Unlimited traffic
Full-length captures
Priority support
59EUR / month
20 000
fresh screenshots monthly
0.003 EUR per additional screenshot
99.99% Uptime SLACustom error images
Unlimited impressions
from cache
Unlimited traffic
Full-length captures
Priority support
99EUR / month
50 000
fresh screenshots monthly
0.002 EUR per additional screenshot
99.99% Uptime SLACustom error images
Unlimited impressions
from cache
Unlimited traffic
Full-length captures
Priority support
Additional screenshots are billed in groups of 1 000 rounded down, e.g. 999 or less additional screenshots are free, 1999 screenshots are billed as 1000 etc.
Value added tax may be added for non-business customers based in EU. The tax rate depends on your country tax rules.
We also offer interesting volume discounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer money back guarantee?
Yes, we do. If you are less than delighted with the service we offer, in the first 30 days for any reason, you can cancel and receive a FULL refund of your fees. There will be no questions asked other than what we can do better next time.
How do you charge for additional screenshots?
At the end of every billing period, all additional screenshots are counted and rounded down to thousands. So, if you capture 999 or less additional screenshots during current period, you still pay package monthly price only:)
Do you charge for repeated requests?
No. We charge only for new, fresh screenshots. You are also free to download and store captured screenshots and thumbnails. You can also use hot-linking too. Website screenshots are cached for 14 days, loading a cached screenshot is not billed.
Do you store credit card numbers in your database?
Definitely no. We are using Stripe and PayPal trusted payment gateways for all credit card opperations.
And what about API image quality?
Website screenshots and thumbnails captured by our API are optimized for best image quality. You can choose from three image formats: JPG, PNG and GIF.
Is there any support team?
Yes, our support team is ready to help you with any API releated issues. You can contact us by
What Our Customers Say
A great service that we have been totally satisfied with over the last 6 years. Excellent uptime, great support and easy API implementation.
Screenshot machine integrates seamlessly with our system and allows us to focus on our core technology. The pricing is also great.
Trusted By Many Companies